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14 Mile Transmission Loop - Phase 2

Start date:


completion date:





$92.4 Million

The Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA) is undertaking the construction of approximately 8 miles of a new 54-inch transmission main to connect the Eight Mile Road transmission system with the Fourteen Mile Road transmission system. This project includes yard piping and reservoir fill line improvements at the Haggerty Pumping Station, construction of a control valve to regulate flows between the interconnected systems, installation of approximately 42,000 feet of 54-inch diameter pipe primarily using the open cut method with 2,450 feet on piles, 350 feet of 24-inch diameter pipe, installation of seven sectionalizing valve vaults, where the owner supplies the valves, manholes, air release, and vacuum valves, along with a cathodic protection system, seven tunnels under or adjacent to MDOT highways like I-275, I-96, and M-5, a 30-inch hot tap on the existing 48-inch diameter pipe, a new valve vault at the Haggerty Pumping Station including connections to a 42-inch suction line and a 24-inch reservoir line, demolition and reconstruction of approximately 22,400 feet of bike path within the I-275/I-96 MDOT Right of Way (ROW), approximately 5,800 feet within the M-5 ROW between 13 Mile Road and 14 Mile Road, and installation of 2,700 feet of 12-inch water main in 11 Mile Road.

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