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Miami-Dade Government Cut

Start date:


completion date:





$73.6 Million

This project involves the replacement of an existing 20-inch water main from Port Island to Fisher Island under Fisherman’s Channel and the replacement of an existing 54-inch force main from Fisher Island to south of the City of Miami Beach under Government Cut Channel. For the water main, a new 24-inch diameter pipeline will be installed using approximately 1600 linear feet of Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) below Fisherman’s Channel to lay a minimum 24-inch inside diameter High Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) between the shafts at Port Island and Fisher Island. The replacement of the 54-inch sewer force main under Government Cut Channel involves constructing a 42-inch diameter drilled secant pipe and steel pile shaft with a corrugated liner on land at Fisher Island, establishing another deep shaft in the water south of the City of Miami Beach, employing micro-tunneling to install approximately 1200 linear feet of a minimum 72-inch inside diameter casing below Government Cut Channel connecting the Fisher Island shaft with the shaft in the water, installing a new 72-inch Permalok casing which contains a 60-inch Flowtite pipeline within the casing, and finally, connecting the new 72-inch Permalok casing with the 60-inch Flowtite pipeline to the existing 54-inch force main.

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